

This category contains 37 posts

Book Review: The Bridge of Little Jeremy by Indrajit Garai

Resilience. That has been a word I have been coming back to in 2019 for many reasons. Once in a while a book I am reading resonates perfectly with how I am feeling and the events that are happening around me. Reading The Bridge of Little Jeremy was one of those experience that thematically aligned … Continue reading

Book Review: Oasis by Bharat Krishnan

I received a free e-copy of this book in exchange for my open and honest review. I find it difficult to write about fantasy novels because often, many of the same tropes are used – the oppressive king/dictator, the band of spunky rebels, forbidden magic, etc. And because many of these tropes are used often, … Continue reading

Back in a Quick Minute

Well… that was a long break. Unplanned and not thought out – I simply cut off all communication. I deleted my Facebook and took an extended hiatus from Twitter and my blog. The short version was I was tired of being involved in the board game and book reading communities. I was tired of the … Continue reading

Book Review: Ghost in the Shell by Masamune Shirow

I wrote this review back before the Ghost in the Shell movie released. I am not sure why I did not publish this review back then because I was very involved in the conversations about whitewashing in Hollywood as it pertains to APIDA people in the industry. I want to be clear that this is … Continue reading

Four Books about Japanese Internment

Folks who know me a bit know that my family was interned in the 1940s during WWII. This is a piece of family history that stays with me and I constantly reflect on its impact on my family and on me. I often talk about it in terms of my personal culture and in terms … Continue reading

Book Review: The Eye Opener by Indrajit Garai

I received a free e-copy of this book in exchange for an open and honest review. I read and reviewed a collection of short stories by Indrajit Garai around a year ago and really enjoyed the collection holistically. The theme of sacrifice ran through each story and poses the reader with the question: what would … Continue reading


I recently have been listening to this podcast called Healing Justice (https://www.healingjustice.org/) which talks about how can we center healing in our social change movements. The host, Kate Werning, talks to different activists and organizers about their work and their healing practices through their work. I find this to be very important as I have … Continue reading

Book Review: Muir Woods or Bust by Ian Woollen

First reaction, I kid you not: What just happen?! Muir Woods or Bust by Ian Woollen has to be one of the most unique books I read this year and I can honestly say I am still trying to process what happened and the themes that came from the story. The book follows a middle-aged therapist, … Continue reading

Top 11 Books I Read in 2017

It’s that time of year again! Time to look back on the calendar year and reflect on all the books I read over the course of the year. 2017 was a pretty good year of reading for me. I managed to shatter my original goal of 70 books, by reading over 100 books, totaling over … Continue reading

Book Review: Temporary People by Deepak Unnikrishnan

Temporary People by Deepak Unnikrishnan is a collection of hauntingly beautiful, violent, raw short stories interwoven into a masterpiece of fiction exploring themes of human value, immigration, culture, love, hate, hardship, evil, family, citizenship, and more. This collection of stories is so complex and nuanced that it deserves more than one read to fully grasp … Continue reading

Books I am Currently Reading

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