
reframing language

This tag is associated with 2 posts

Reframing Language: Euro and Ameritrash

If you ask almost anyone in the board game hobby how many main types of games there are, they would most likely answer with two: Eurogames and Ameritrash games. Eurogames Originally termed as ‘German Games’ because of their origin in Germany, these games tend to focus heavily on strategy and/or tactics. There is little luck … Continue reading

Reframing Language: “This Game is Crazy!”

One of the most said lines from board game reviewers and board game content creators I hear is: “This game is crazy!” Besides not knowing what the reviewer even means by this statement, ‘crazy’ has very apparent ableist connotation. The same goes for insane, mad, madness, madhouse… you get the point. Crazy is one of … Continue reading

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