
gaming community

This tag is associated with 4 posts

Essen Spiel 2016 Preview

The Spiel ’16 in Essen, Germany is coming up in a couple of weeks. This is one of, if not the largest, board game consumer conventions in the world. Many anticipated games announced throughout the year are released at The Spiel every year and I have curated a list of my most anticipated games. I … Continue reading

Including New Meeples #1: Password

When I was growing up, my family loved to play Password. First published in 1962, this classic word association game remains in print today. What my family enjoyed about Password was the challenge of finding a one word clue in order to get others to guess the (pass)word. This is not only a clever minimalist … Continue reading


Well… we are back again talking about microagressions. Earlier this week, a couple members of the board gaming community posted media imitating a cultural/ethnic/racial accent. Almost instantly, the twiterverse blew up with tweets of anger and offence, calling these folks out in public as racist. Are they racist? Most likely not. Most likely they had … Continue reading

Why Bother?

When I talk about my attempts to diversify my book and tabletop game collection, I almost always am faced with the question… “Why bother?” These folks proceed to explain there are plenty of high quality authors and board game designers who create and end up publishing a significant amount of work. While I agree, I … Continue reading

Books I am Currently Reading

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