

This category contains 9 posts

Four Books about Japanese Internment

Folks who know me a bit know that my family was interned in the 1940s during WWII. This is a piece of family history that stays with me and I constantly reflect on its impact on my family and on me. I often talk about it in terms of my personal culture and in terms … Continue reading


I recently have been listening to this podcast called Healing Justice (https://www.healingjustice.org/) which talks about how can we center healing in our social change movements. The host, Kate Werning, talks to different activists and organizers about their work and their healing practices through their work. I find this to be very important as I have … Continue reading

Backpacking + Board Games

*I want to recognize that both my partner and I are temporarily able-bodied. This post centers around an activity that is not accessible to everyone. I hope to share my experience from the past weekend and how it related to my hobby of gaming.  This past weekend my partner and I went backpacking on the … Continue reading


With every issue big and small, there tends to be an extreme polarization within a community. Especially in the United States, where we seem to thrive on polarization! Just take a look at our political system with its ‘Us vs. Them’ and ‘You’re with Us or Against Us’ mentality. There is no room for anything … Continue reading

Solo Gaming Stigma

Playing board games by oneself is becoming more popular or at least more in the main stream of board game media and content. There are many ‘solo-only’ games released every year and even more games that come with a solo-mode. Further, there is a huge community of folks who take the time to make solo … Continue reading

A Dualistic Approach to Pluralism

Last night, I attended a keynote address by a noted professor of history. This professor is an expert in African-American, Black, and African history and as an AfroLatina woman, brings personal experiences and perspectives to her teaching and to her addresses. The theme of this professor’s keynote was “What do you do with the mess … Continue reading

Am I Half Privileged?

Originally post here: https://www.naspa.org/constituent-groups/posts/am-i-half-privileged As a note, I changed some of the wording to better reflect my understanding currently. I identify as multiracial. I grew up when our country was still trying to understanding what multiracial meant. I grew up when our country forced me to choose a homogeneous racial identity on governmental forms and standardized … Continue reading

The Secret Behind My Ratings

Today I will share with you all my thought process behind reviewing board games and books. Specifically, I want to share the how I approach reviewing and why I have selected this method. When I read other people’s reviews, I find a variety of different ways folks structure their reviews and rate or recommend them … Continue reading

The Versatile Blogger Award

THE RULES: Display award Thank the person who gave this award (and include a link to their blog) Share seven things about yourself Nominate ten (we will see) bloggers I was tagged by the wonderful Wendy @ What the Log! Thank you very much! SEVEN FACTS ABOUT ME: 1. I live where I work. (And no, … Continue reading

Books I am Currently Reading

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