

This tag is associated with 6 posts

Representation and Appropriation | Board Games

For the past week, I have been thinking about a tough question about representation in all forms of media – TV, movies, books, and in particular board games. This mainly stems from the idea of the #ownvoices movement in literature. This means that an author is writing characters from their own experience. So for example, … Continue reading

Board Game Review: Time Stories (Spoiler Free)

Time Stories is a cooperative story-driven, choose your own adventure puzzle game for 2-4 players. In the game, players assume the role of time agents trained to go into the past to fix temporal anomalies. Time Stories is a disposable game. When you buy Time Stories, you are buying a game system that comes with … Continue reading

Board Games and Hawaii

My event for Hawaiian #OwnVoices finished up at the end of November, but I still have some posts I wanted to share about Hawaii. This time it’s about board games! Thank you for reading along!! It may be odd to think about board games and its relationship to Hawaii and Native Hawaiian peoples. You may … Continue reading

Reframing Language: Euro and Ameritrash

If you ask almost anyone in the board game hobby how many main types of games there are, they would most likely answer with two: Eurogames and Ameritrash games. Eurogames Originally termed as ‘German Games’ because of their origin in Germany, these games tend to focus heavily on strategy and/or tactics. There is little luck … Continue reading

13 Games to Play this Halloween

It is the month of Halloween. And honestly, it is not my favorite holiday of the year; however, I enjoy themed game nights and Halloween provides the perfect backdrop for themed board game nights! I know it is a bit early, but if you do not own any creepy or Halloween themed games, you may … Continue reading

Under the Radar: Stereotyping Indigenous Culture for Theme

There is a huge glaring gap in the conversation about representation and co-option of culture in the board gaming hobby. I hear a lot about the representation of black, latino, and asian peoples, but I rarely hear about co-opting, stereotyping, and tokenizing of indigenous culture to use as board game themes. To me, it seems so … Continue reading

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