Comments on: Reframing Language: Euro and Ameritrash A blog of books and tabletop games focusing on inclusion and liberation. Tue, 25 Dec 2018 18:59:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matt Fri, 14 Oct 2016 13:46:37 +0000 Risk is generally considered an ameritrash. High Conflict, High Luck, High amount of plastic bits. I find in today’s gaming world that few games are exclusively “Ameritrash” or “Euro”. Games like Kemet which has dudes on a map like Risk but resource management and a deterministic (no random) battle system.

I would highly recommend checking out Geek And Sundry’s Table Top. They are a great way to step into what is modern board games. They focus on easier and more entertaining games to play.

If you don’t like Risk I would suggest more euro style games

some of the most popular entry level games in the euro genre are
Ticket to ride

Some of the best easy party games right now are
For sale
Sushi Go Party

Also popular today are Cooperative games

And if you want Ameritrash I’m a big fan of
Cosmic Encounter
T.I.M.E. Stories (mentioned above)

As far as the original article goes I agree with you that these terms no longer have positive value. In addition to the western centric issues you mention above I find that most games coming out today take influences from both ameritrash and euro games. Take Cyclades for example. You have dudes on a map and dice based combat (ameritrash) but you have resource management and auction (euro). Things no longer fit into these pretty boxes and that’s for the better. 20 years ago these were highly valuable terms. Not so much anymore.


By: Brendon Thu, 13 Oct 2016 17:50:11 +0000 Thank you for stopping by and reading. I find language fascinating and would love to look into more about the origin of these different words. I ind it interesting that ‘American style’ are often equated with no strategic thought or brainpower used.

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By: Ceillie Simkiss Wed, 12 Oct 2016 20:33:12 +0000 I had never heard the term ‘Ameritrash’ but it’s a very interesting difference from the european games like Risk, which I tend to hate playing. I think the language around these games is really important, especially when you want to open these games up to new people.

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